Face Your Fears and Gain Control of Your Life

What Exactly Is Fear?
- Fear is a biological response to an internal or external stimulus.
- A biological response. When you’re afraid, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode. Your heart rate goes up and your adrenaline increases.
To an internal or external stimulus. Fear can arise from within or without. Thinking about losing your job (internal stimulus) causes fear. Coming face-to-face with a grizzly bear (external stimulus) also causes fear.
- What you’ll probably discover is that most of your fears are internally created. You are afraid because of what you think will happen rather than what is actually happening. What you feel is real but the circumstances you’re imagining are not.
- When you understand the true nature of fear, it becomes easier to overcome. You are able to closely examine your anxiety and determine if there is any substance to it.
- www.AboveAllHealing.com
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